What is Non-Intrusive Monitoring?

Jennifer McLeod

What is HomeEXCEPT?

HomeEXCEPT is a machine learning company developing solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT). Our first product was a winner of the AARP Innovation Award for Caregiving. Our platform does not use cameras or microphones. We put privacy first with a 100% anonymous solution. The name "HomeEXCEPT" comes from our method for using machine learning to find "exceptions" to the usual patterns of daily living.

What is Non-Intrusive Monitoring?

Non-Intrusive monitoring is a system that can monitor the use of a space without breaking privacy barriers. It is anonymous. Ambient environmental sensors identify movement, temperature, and humidity at assigned objects throughout the space.

Subscribers can check activity whenever they like and over time, the system learns the normal pattern of activity (POA) and delivers insight into how these patterns change. Users can set specific notifications so that they can be notified of changes that might be worrisome in their caregiving situation.

Notifications are delivered through our mobile app offering EXCEPTtional peace of mind for caregivers, families, and healthcare providers.

Privacy A Platform Built on Trust

Privacy is the foundation on which HomeEXCEPT was built. We believe that monitoring solutions should not come at the expense of privacy and work to create smart products that don't watch or listen. Sensors can be discreetly labeled to mask identity and location and to authenticate a subscription, only a mobile phone number is required.

Whether monitoring a senior loved one, assisted living facility, or commercial property, no private information like names or addresses are stored in our system. All data collected by HomeEXCEPT is completely anonymous and only the user knows the context of who or where is being monitored.

Pattern of Activity The Key to Smart Prevention Strategies

The typical activity in a space is like a snowflake; it has a unique pattern. Humans have a pattern just like patterns exist in nature - people do different types of things, use different types of spaces, and use objects in spaces in different ways. We move, use things, sleep, bath, cook, nap, open windows, close doors, do laundry, wash dishes, make tea - all of this activity creates movement, vibrations, temperatures, and humidity.

With HomeEXCEPT, you choose the type of notification that you want to receive for each object you are monitoring so that the information you receive is meaningful to YOU and YOUR unique situation.

As time goes on, unique patterns emerge and can be analyzed in order to understand what is and isn’t normal. The longer HomeEXCEPT sensors are active and collecting readings, the more accurate the system becomes in identifying activity that is not expected or different from what is normally observed.

Prevention Avoid worst case scenarios with Non-Intrusive Monitoring

Caregivers and families worry about their senior loved ones. HomeEXCEPT is a simple and useful tool to help alleviate some of that worry. Sensor monitoring helps keep families connected and informs caregivers on the type of support that seniors need.

Non-intrusive sensors, notifications, machine learning, AI, and easy to use software are a powerful combination in risk management. By monitoring engagement with items relating to activities of daily living, caregivers are aware of changes in routines that may impact safety or well-being.

Monitoring technology empowers caregivers and families who have chosen aging in place and need extra support. HomeEXCEPT is also an ideal choice as a partner for companies with invested interest in prevention.

A security camera is only good if you are watching it, right? HomeEXCEPT delivers insights into how regular routines change over time - understanding this pattern of activity helps you become aware potential risks and create strategies for prevention.

Want to learn more? Let’s chat Non-Intrusive Monitoring! Book a call with the HomeEXCEPT team HERE!